10 recipes for gradle-download-task
I received a couple of requests lately concerning common problems when downloading files in Gradle build scripts using gradle-download-task. Almost all of these issues could be solved by just using gradle-download-task the right way instead of extending the plugin. I have collected a number of example build scripts for these issues over the last months, and I thought it would be a good idea to summarize them here.
For those of you who don’t know what gradle-download-task is: the plugin
provides a Download
task that displays progress information while downloading
files, just like Gradle does when it fetches an artifact from a repository.
The following examples have been tested with Gradle 5.0 or later and gradle-download-task 5.0.0 or later.
Recipe #1: download a single file
This is the simplest use case for gradle-download-task. The following snippet downloads a single file to the project’s build directory.
task downloadFile(type: Download) {
src 'https://repo.maven.apache.org/maven2/org/citationstyles/styles/1.0/styles-1.0.jar'
dest buildDir
overwrite true
Alternatively, use the download
extension to download a file anywhere in your
build script:
task downloadFile {
doLast {
download.run {
src 'https://repo.maven.apache.org/maven2/org/citationstyles/styles/1.0/styles-1.0.jar'
dest buildDir
overwrite true
Complete example build scripts: simple/build.gradle and simple-extension/build.gradle
Recipe #2: download multiple files
If you want to download multiple files at once to the project’s build directory, use the following snippet.
task downloadFiles(type: Download) {
dest buildDir
overwrite true
Complete example build script: multiple-files/build.gradle
Recipe #3: download and rename multiple files
Download multiple files into a target directory and specify a destination file name for each of them as follows:
* Define files to download and destination file names
ext.urls = [
'http://git.savannah.gnu.org/gitweb/?p=config.git;a=blob_plain;f=config.guess;hb=HEAD': 'config.guess',
'http://git.savannah.gnu.org/gitweb/?p=config.git;a=blob_plain;f=config.sub;hb=HEAD': 'config.sub'
task downloadFiles(type: Download) {
src urls.keySet()
dest buildDir
eachFile { f ->
f.name = urls[f.sourceURL.toString()]
Complete example build script: multiple-files-rename/build.gradle
Recipe #4: custom HTTP headers
Download a single file and specify a custom HTTP header with the following snippet.
task downloadFile(type: Download) {
src 'https://repo.maven.apache.org/maven2/org/citationstyles/styles/1.0/styles-1.0.jar'
dest buildDir
header 'User-Agent', 'gradle-download-task'
Complete example build script: custom-header/build.gradle
Recipe #5: download all files from a directory
The following snippet downloads all files from a directory on a server. It makes use of Ivy’s URL lister to read the server’s directory listing.
task downloadDirectory {
doLast {
def dir = 'https://repo.maven.apache.org/maven2/de/undercouch/gradle-download-task/4.1.2/'
def urlLister = new org.apache.ivy.util.url.ApacheURLLister()
def files = urlLister.listFiles(new URL(dir))
download.run {
src files
dest buildDir
You also need to include a build script dependency to Apache Ivy to make this recipe work. Put the following code right at the beginning of your build script:
buildscript {
repositories {
dependencies {
classpath 'org.apache.ivy:ivy:2.5.0'
Complete example build script: directory/build.gradle
Recipe #6: mirror servers
Download a single file from a mirror server with the following snippet. It first configures multiple mirror servers and then uses the first one that is working.
task downloadFile {
doLast {
def mirrors = [
] as Queue
while (true) {
def mirror = mirrors.poll()
try {
download.run {
src mirror
dest buildDir
overwrite true
} catch (Exception e) {
if (mirrors.isEmpty()) {
throw e
logger.warn("Could not download file. Trying next mirror.")
Complete example build script: mirrors/build.gradle
Recipe #7: Lazily evaluate src
and dest
The following snippet downloads a single file. It uses Groovy closures to
generate values for the src
and dest
properties at runtime.
* Example data and methods
ext {
downloadToBuildDir = true
def getMavenCentralUrl() {
return "https://repo.maven.apache.org/maven2/"
def getStylesJar() {
return "org/citationstyles/styles/1.0/styles-1.0.jar"
* The actual example
task downloadFile(type: Download) {
src {
def mavenUrl = getMavenCentralUrl()
def stylesJar = getStylesJar()
return mavenUrl + stylesJar
dest {
if (downloadToBuildDir) {
return buildDir
return File.createTempDir()
overwrite true
Complete example build script: lazy-src-and-dest/build.gradle
Recipe #8: temporary .part file (i.e. download and rename)
This snippet downloads a single file conditionally using a temporary file name
). It renames the file afterwards if the download was
successful. The .part
file is always overwritten if it exists (e.g. from a
previous attempt to download the file).
task downloadFile(type: Download) {
src 'https://repo.maven.apache.org/maven2/org/citationstyles/styles/1.0/styles-1.0.jar'
dest new File(buildDir, "styles-1.0.jar")
overwrite true
tempAndMove true
Complete example build script: temp-rename/build.gradle
Recipe #9: unzip downloaded file
The following two tasks download a ZIP file and extract its contents to the project’s build directory.
task downloadZipFile(type: Download) {
src 'https://github.com/michel-kraemer/gradle-download-task/archive/1.0.zip'
dest new File(buildDir, '1.0.zip')
task downloadAndUnzipFile(dependsOn: downloadZipFile, type: Copy) {
from zipTree(downloadZipFile.dest)
into buildDir
Complete example build script: unzip/build.gradle
Recipe #10: verify checksum of downloaded file
The final snippet consists of two tasks that first download a file and then verify its checksum.
task downloadFile(type: Download) {
src 'http://www.example.com/index.html'
dest buildDir
task verifyFile(type: Verify, dependsOn: downloadFile) {
src new File(buildDir, 'index.html')
algorithm 'MD5'
checksum '84238dfc8092e5d9c0dac8ef93371a07'
Complete example build script: verify/build.gradle
More snippets
At the time of writing this post, the gradle-download-task repository contains 14 example build scripts in both Groovy and Kotlin. You can find them in the examples directory:
More examples will be added in the future, so make sure to check this directory too. If you have other snippets worth adding to the list, send me a pull request on GitHub or post a comment below. Thanks!
More information
If you want to learn more about the gradle-download-task plugin, have a look at its README file or at my earlier post.
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Thank you so much for your support!

Posted by Michel Krämer
on 3 April 2016
Next post
gradle-download-task 3.0.0
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