GeoRocket 1.2.0

Today, on this lucky Friday, the 13th, I’m very happy to announce the next stable version of GeoRocket 1.2.0. We worked hard to make this the best release available yet with a large number of new features, fixes, and updates (see below).

GeoRocket is a high-performance data store for geospatial files that we develop at the Fraunhofer Institute for Computer Graphics Research IGD. Its focus lies on the storage, indexing, and analysis of big vector data. GeoRocket supports GeoJSON, CityGML (3D city models), GML or any other XML-based geospatial data format. It is made for the Cloud and designed for scalability and high performance. It can handle a large number of requests in parallel and supports arbitrarily large data sets. GeoRocket is a schema-agnostic and format-preserving data store.

New features

  • We added a new storage back-end: The embedded database H2 stores geospatial data on your local hard drive but is much faster than the old file system back-end. We made H2 the default back-end now. Note that in production environments, we still recommend using the MongoDB back-end as it allows for a more scalable cluster deployment.
  • GeoRocket supports encrypted connections with SSL/TLS now. We also added support for HTTP/2. This allows for a much faster client-server communication.
  • We added support for Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS). This allows web developers to query the GeoRocket HTTP interface from the browser with JavaScript.
  • HTTP compression can now be turned on and off.
  • We improved the performance of the XML splitter.
  • You can now search for gmlId specifically. In particular, we added support for indexing gml:id from GML 3.2.
  • We upgraded the embedded Elasticsearch version to 5.6.5. You can still use your own external one if you like.
  • The default heap size of the embedded Elasticsearch was increased.
  • GeoRocket now logs progress while importing and deleting chunks.
  • Error messages from Elasticsearch are now forwarded to GeoRocket’s HTTP interface.
  • GeoRocket prints a fancy banner 🤘 and its server version on startup.
  • We improved compatibility with Java 9.

Server API

Bug fixes

  • GeoRocket now correctly imports files with a UTF-8 BOM.
  • GeoJSON files with UTF-8 characters are now correctly split.
  • GeoRocket now handles empty tags and properties correctly.
  • We made sure all results are returned when scrolling.
  • We fixed a StackOverflowError that could happen when scrolling with a very large frame size.

Internal changes

  • We upgraded Vert.x to 3.5.1.
  • Library dependencies have been updated.
  • We upgraded the Gradle wrapper to 4.8.1.
  • We improved our integration tests and unit tests.
  • We replaced rx.Single<Void> with rx.Completable where applicable.
  • All Observables are now cold by default.
  • We replaced Rx operators by transformers.
  • It is now easier to build the Docker image.

More information

The new version is recommended for all users. Try GeoRocket 1.2.0 while it’s still hot! 🔥


For a complete list of features visit our website. There you will also find the user documentation and other information.

If you have questions, ideas or comments regarding GeoRocket or any of our other services feel free to contact me.

Profile image of Michel Krämer

Posted by Michel Krämer
on 13 July 2018

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