Spamihilator website now Open Source
I’ve just released the source code of the Spamihilator website as Open Source. You can download it from the following GitHub repository:
Everyone is invited to make contributions! I’m open to all kind of changes. You may submit new content (e.g. FAQ), change the design or style, etc.
If you want to contribute, please fork the GitHub repository and send me pull requests. I will check and upload them to the Spamihilator web server as soon as possible. Further instructions can be found below or in the README file.
The Spamihilator website has been created using Jekyll. If you want to build it, please follow these steps:
Download and install Ruby 1.8.7 (if you haven’t done so already).
Under Windows, I recommend using RubyInstaller. Under Linux and Mac OS, I highly recommend using rvm as the repository already contains proper
files. -
Install the bundler gem (if you haven’t done so already).
gem install bundler
Clone or download this repository.
Open a command line shell in the cloned directory and enter the following command:
bundle install
After that, you are ready to build the website using the following commands:
compass compile
Repeat these commands whenever you make a change. The files will be compiled to the subdirectory
Run locally
You may also run and test the website locally before uploading your changes. In order to do this, follow the instructions above and then run the following command:
jekyll --server
Launch a web browser and open http://localhost:4000
to view the site.
For more information see Jekyll’s website.
If not noted otherwise, the files in the Spamihilator website repository are licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.

Posted by Michel Krämer
on 2 May 2013
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